In the same section
- 19 June 2023: Stakeholder meeting with Sibelga
On 19 June 2023, the team will have a meeting with Daphné Benzennou (Market Evolution Manager) of Sibelga.
The discussion will be centered on how electricity markets need to be evolved in order to be able to provide new consumer-centric prodcuts.
Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to - 8 May 2023: Stakeholder meeting with Synergrid
On 8 May 2023, the team will have a meeting with Patrick Reyniers (Secretary General) of Synergrid.
Synergrid is an association of Belgian electricity and gas DSOs, and serves as the point of contact with the Belgian TSO and the European authorities. Synergrid also develops technical and environmental standards to ensure reliable networks that meet the strictest security criteria.
The discussion will be centered on challenges DSOs face towards energy transition and carbon neutrality, and the role Synergrid plays in facilitating that.
Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to - 24 April 2023: Stakeholder meeting with European Commission - DG Energy
On 24 April 2023, the team will have a meeting with Achille Hannoset (Policy Officer), and Kostas Stamatis (Policy Officer), from the European Commission / DG Energy / Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition unit (ENER.B.1.)
The discussion will be cantered on consumer empowerment, including energy communities, prosumers, energy sharing, peer to peer trading, and data interoperability and protection.Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to
- 20 March 2023: Stakeholder meeting with RESA
On 20 March 2023, the team will have a meeting with Jean-Denis Ghysens (Public affairs manager), Simon Lachi (Head of Innovation), and Julien Vandeburie (Regulatory Affairs & Energy Scenarios), from RESA.
RESA is one of the two main distribution system operators for electricity and gas in Wallonia (together with ORES).
The discussion will be around the potential role Energy communities can play for provision of demand flexibility in the electricity market. There will also be an exchange about pilot energy community projects within RESA’s domain of operation.Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to
- 20 February 2023: Stakeholder meeting with Centrica Business Solutions
On 20 February 2023, the team will have a meeting with Evelyn Heylen who is the Head of Research at Centrica Business Solutions
Centrica acts as a main flexibility provider in Belgium through provision of demand response and energy storage solutions. The discussion will be around the range of products Centrica offers in the market, and the different challenges it faces while managing available flexibility from multiple locations in one hand, and the grid requirements, on the other hand.
Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to - 14 December 2022: Stakeholder meeting with Elia
On 14 December 2022, the team will have a meeting with Gérard Thibaut (Market Development Manager), Caroline Bosschaerts (Market Development Manager), Anna Tsiokanos (Ancillary Services Development manager), Stijn Muysewinkel (Business Advisor) from Elia.
The discussion will be centered around synergies between Elia’s Consumer Centric Market Design (CCMD) and the DemandFelx project, and lessons we can learn from ongoing developments.Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to
- 5 December 2022: Stakeholder meeting with FlexSys
On 5 December 2022, the team will have a meeting with Marten Ovaere who is an assistant professor at the Department of Economics of Ghent University
FlexSys is a project funded by Energy Transition Fund. Its main idea is to exploit the flexibility potential of aggregating distributed assets in the renewables-focused electricity systems to maintain security of supply.
The discussion will be centered around synergies between FlexSys and DemandFlex, and identifying ways for further collaborations and joint dissemination of the results of both projects.
Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to - 21 November 2022: Stakeholder meeting with Next Kraftwerke Benelux
On 21 November 2022, the team will have a meeting with Paul Kreutzkamp (CEO), and Mariana Adao da Fonseca (Junior Energy Expert, from Next Kraftwerke Benelux.
Next Kraftwerke is one of the largest aggregators in Europe which plays essential role in Belgian electricity market as well.
The discussion will be around the role of aggregators in electricity market, their new products, and how aggregators group smaller units together in order to be able to participate in markets.Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to
- 17 October 2022: Stakeholder meeting with smartEn
On 17 October 2022, the team will have a meeting with Michael Villa (Executive Director), Andres Pinto-Bello (Head of Research and Projects), and Cinzia Alberti (EU projects and research), from smartEn.
smartEn is the European business association integrating the consumer-driven solutions of the clean energy transition.
The discussion is centered around quantifying the huge scale potential of demand-side flexibility in 2030 for both consumers and EU clean energy transition.
Several scenarios will be discussed, among which are the ones that unleash the full activation of flexibility from buildings, electric vehicles, and industry in 2030.
Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to - 19 September 2022: Stakeholder meeting with FlexPlan project
On 19 September 2022, the team will have a meeting with Gianluigi Migliavacca who is the coordinator of the Horizon2020 FlexPlan project
The discussion is around the main outcomes of H2020 FlexPlan project which aims at establishing a new grid planning methodology considering the opportunity to introduce new storage and flexibility resources in electricity transmission and distribution grids as an alternative to building new grid elements.
The synergies between FlexPlan and DemandFlex are also discussed.
Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to - 20 June 2022: Stakeholder meeting with Sibelga
On 20 June 2022, the team will have a meeting with Quentin Peiffer who is Head of Legal Department at Sibelga
Sibelga is the distribution system operator (DSO) for electricity and natural gas in the Brussels-Capital Region.
The discussion is around the division of power in Belgian energy authorities, federal and regional competences, and whether all involved stakeholders have the same understanding of the flexibility.Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to
- 21 February 2022: Stakeholder meeting with RESCoop
On 21 February 2022, the team had a meeting with Dirk Vansintjan who is the President of RESCoop (the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives) and one of the founding members of Ecopower (a Belgian citizen energy cooperative with nearly 60,000 members).
The discussion will be around the role that energy communities can play in the energy transition, status of energy communities in Belgium, and main technical barriers and legal obstacles energy communities face at the moment for becoming a serious player in the energy transition.
Interested to join and participate in the discussions? Please register by sending an email to - 8 November 2021: DemandFlex kick-off meeting held
On 8 November 2021, the kick-off meeting of DemandFlex was held. Project senior and junior scientific team members from ULB met with François Brasseur and Charles-Hubert Clérin from FPS Economy.
They discussed the scope of the project in details and on agreed on ways to increase the synergies with other ongoing ETF projects. Future meetings and discussions are planned as well.
The ULB team had a presentation which can be found here